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How to Dress for the Unpredictable Florida Storms

Welcome to Florida; formally known as the sunshine state, but the majority of the year we consider it the breeding grounds for unpredictable, hair-destroying, rain boot weather. There are limited items in the closet that are appropriate for the UF campus walks and the constant scoots when you’re dealing with rain spurts and humidity wars on humanity.

As a junior, I have had my fair share of realizing what is a rain approved outfit and what is a hard N-O. But, no need to fear the rain ponchos and waterproof shoes, there is a stylish way to approach the Florida Weather.

Instead of avoiding certain clothes when you see the grey clouds, take advantage of accessorizing the outfits you like with the rain jacket you love. Don’t shy away from the white dress you were planning on wearing to instead throw on the sweats and oversized t-shirt (no shame in it). Point of the story, don’t change your outfit plans – just protect them, with even more flair.

Coming from the girl who used a broken umbrella for a whole year - Yes, metal sticks protruding from the sides and everything, I know the dread of the moment you realize it has just begun to sprinkle. Soon after follows the denial, until it is at a full-on downpour. That is why when I put this Kate Spade umbrella on my Christmas list it completely changed the game. So, it is the time to spoil yourself. Trust me, it will get plenty of use.

RIP to all the shoes that have ended up in the dumpster due to rain and the aftermath puddles. I learned quickly that walking 20 minutes through campus in the middle of a storm can do some serious damage to shoes that are not water resistant. Now, I am not asking you to wear crocs (though I know there is currently a Croc movement due to the irresistible comfort), or to get those dreadful water shoes back out. What I am suggesting is durable, yet fashionable rain boots.

I know this seems like a given day-to-day accessory, but, all that it takes is one time of forgetting a hair tie to never make that mistake again. Being born and raised in Florida with curly hair, having a hair tie is a necessity on a day of rain. I also realize how annoying the black hair tie on a wrist can get when you’re just trying to look like you’re not a college student running on less than desired sleep. But, there are alternatives. Fashionable hair ties? Are there such things? Well, kind of.

The moral of this article is to inspire you to embrace being a Floridian and fashionista – we no longer must pick one or the other. Instead of frizzy hair and wet clothes being the bane of your existence, you can now spend your time hating mid-terms and class presentations. I wish you luck as we wait for the next storm to come our way; don’t get too comfortable.

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